Improve the employee experience by automating routine tasks, giving tools to assist HR Professionals in providing various HR services, and communicating with employees in a consistent way.

HR Service Delivery (HRSD) is a best-practices strategy to automating and standardizing HR activities for your business. HR Service Delivery enables firms to give employees with engaging, holistic HR services. Through HR Service Delivery, ABIT Puresoft can help HR teams focus on higher-value operations that significantly promote self-service enhancements to the user experience by automating many of the repetitive, manual tasks that they conduct.

HR Service Delivery

Benefits of HR Service Delivery

Eliminate inefficient HR workflows

With targeted communications and flexible workplace experiences like self-service workspace reservations, you can keep your employees informed and productive with HRSD. Using automated workflows, you will increase operational efficiency.

Create a single point of contact for HR

With HRSD you can assist your employees in staying connected to what they need, when they need it, whether through the web, mobile apps, or virtual agent discussions.

Manage employee journeys and records

Convert complex company procedures into scalable services and staff assistance. Also, using HRSD you will now be able to provide timely, individualized feedback and learning experiences, navigating complicated cross-functional journeys.

Are you ready to discover what HRSD can do for your company?