Application Portfolio Management (APM) assists you in gaining a thorough understanding of the applications utilized in your firm so that you may detect redundancies and reduce budgetary costs.
ABIT Puresoft can assist your Agile transformation by integrating the products and services that are at the heart of your organization’s strategy with ServiceNow’s Application Portfolio Management. It enables you to drive innovation on initiatives that offer the greatest value to your business in a cost-effective and efficient manner. Through the addition of realization data, it will assist you in achieving your objectives while also improving your flexibility and agility.
You can use APM to handle business challenges such as:
- Applications with comparable functions that are redundant.
- The expense of owning and maintaining applications
- The growing need to modernize existing applications to provide new features.
- The conflict between in-house legacy apps and vendor applications.
- Inadequate performance because of out-of-date applications.

Realizing tangible business outcomes from leveraging ServiceNow APM is where ABIT Puresoft is focused.
Automating your organization’s APM workflow, including cost optimization efforts and application-to-business capability model mapping, is an excellent starting point for a simple APM program.
ServiceNow’s APM module provides a true enterprise view of enterprise Application Assets, tying in potential data sources from service, incident & problem, software asset, IT financial management, customer satisfaction data, and more to provide the most comprehensive set of analysis and decision support for your application portfolio ever possible. The value of a true enterprise platform, such as ServiceNow, is fully realized with the APM Module.